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We should tell young people they are gonna fail

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

Failing is okay, everyone will do it and we should get used to it

It is fine to fail

I believe that failing at things from younger teaches not only the fundamentals in hard work and perseverance but also increases students and kids to real world scenarios. In reality, there are going to be many things you fail at in your life, there is no way to succeed at everything and there are some things you simply cannot do. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is key to growth and picking a career path. The more you lie to yourself and try to be good at everything the more disappointing the realisation will be when you don't meet all those goals you set for yourself. Self-awareness is key for this. When setting goals or achievements they should always be slightly above what you think you are capable of. We tend to slightly underestimate our own abilities so strive for a bit higher than you think is possible and see if you can get there.


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