Why Hard work isn't really hard work
Updated: Jul 22, 2022

Very contextual this, hard work definitely is hard work but depending on your enjoyment. You see that many of the most driven and seemingly "Hardest working" in society understand this. Many studies have shown evidence that people work harder when left alone to do as much or as little work as they want. Social Chain being a great example of this as they allow employees to take breaks at anytime they need and go for naps at the office. The reason being is that if you genuinely enjoy working there no one will need to tell you to work harder as you will work as hard as you can all by yourself. I think university is another great example of this, there is no one forcing you to show up to lectures, if you don't feel like going in you don't go in, yet the majority of people will pass university and go to lectures regardless. I believe people intrinsically want to do a good job no matter the job. People work on many passion projects that aren't profitable and spend more time on them then there actual full-time jobs. The key is self-motivation, do you actually want to do the work? Why do you do the work? Would you do it if you wasn't paid for it? Ask yourself this and it will help you to realise why you find your work so difficult.